Introverts as franchisees: why they succeed

Introverts as franchisees: what’s not to like? Introverts can make strong leaders. They are most likely to succeed when they embrace their strengths and push beyond their comfort zone when needed.

What is the definition of an introvert?

While many people think of introverts as being shy and timid, that’s a misconception. To determine whether someone tends toward introversion or extroversion, look at the way they recharge and draw energy. Introverts do so by spending time alone, while extroverts gain energy from being around others. For more insight on introverts, check out Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking, by Susan Cain.

What strengths do introverts bring to a franchise?

There are many ways introverts are well suited for business leadership such as the running of a franchise. Many introverts are naturally skilled at listening, preferring to hang back, listen, observe, and analyze a situation before chiming in. Listening skills are critical in business. It’s the best way for a leader to tune into and understand the needs and concerns of clients and employees.

Introverts are careful planners. They prefer to think about the task at hand or the next project before acting upon an idea. This can be an advantage when executing a business plan, devising strategies, and attending to tasks that require attention to detail. Introverts tend to be less impulsive and less likely to engage in high-risk behavior. They typically take time to assess circumstances before they act, which minimizes the potential for error and maximizes leadership effectiveness.

What types of franchises are best for introverts?

When researching franchise opportunities, introverts (as well as anyone else) should take into account the ownership model, work environment, and/or degree of contact with clients and employees involved. For example, those who prefer to minimize in-person interactions could look for an “executive owner” or “manager-run” opportunity where they hire a manager to oversee and supervise the employees.

The bottom line

What’s the verdict on introverts as franchisees? Well, they’re just as likely as extroverts to be successful. If you’re an introvert, embrace your strengths. Consider some of the most successful introverted entrepreneurs: Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, J.K. Rowling, and Mark Zuckerberg.